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IUS membership in ESSSR and IUSDRP

In order to further strengthen its international cooperation in the field of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), in mid-October 2020, the International University of Sarajevo (IUS) joined two internationally recognized research networks in the area of SDG – the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Program (IUSDRP) and the European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR).

The primary goal of the IUSDRP to establish a world’s platform through which member universities from different parts of the globe would undertake more effective research in the field of sustainable development. Specifically, IUSDRP focuses on attracting and undertaking joint research and educational projects.

In the same vein, the ESSSR promotes cooperation among European universities by establishing a platform for universities from all parts of Europe to exchange views and experiences on the contribution of science and sustainability research to the aim of SDG implementation. The ESSSR mobilizes universities working on SDG and implement joint initiatives. In particular, this network focusses on research projects and special lectures and publications, which show the way in which science and sustainability research can help achieve SDG and how it all can contribute to the education of the next generation of sustainability scientists.

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