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Student Affairs Office

International University of Sarajevo
International University of Sarajevo
Student Affairs Office
Students First!

We are committed to working with students throughout their academic career at IUS by providing support with our services and creating positive environment to enhance student experience at the University.

Student Affairs Office Manager
Student Affairs Office Manager

Sabiha Pepić - Inal

Student Affairs Office
Student Affairs Office

Keep Calm and Call Us

IUS Student Affairs Office (SAO) is actively involved in the implementation and monitoring of the University policies and procedures. 

Meet us, ask questions, and suggest improvements. Learn all you can about your university as these are the best of times for you. 

Stay well-informed and self-directed participants in your study life.

See you around the Campus.



Forms required for
Qualification Recognitions

If you want your foreign qualifications recognized at IUS, please visit our Graduate Office in Building A, ground floor, G.19. You can get more information about the process via e-mail: and/or phone number:+387 33 957 151.


Student Affairs Office

Student Affairs Office
Student Affairs Office

Feel free to send us
a message

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033 957 175

International University of Sarajevo - The best private university in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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